Now that I'm done making probably half the hippie population in the world roll over in their graves with that simple title, I'd like to sincerely ask the question: "What IS Diplomacy good for?" Reading a news report dated November 19th, 2008, the article explains how Iran has increased its stockpile of nuclear material from a reported (by the IAEA) 480 kg of uranium to 630 kg in the span of about 3 months. This news comes on the heels of a news article which displayed new missile technology implemented in a test firing from Iran with a missile that can reach Israel. Iran is currently under the leadership of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. This is the same person who has been quoted as saying “Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury.” and “As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map." and "Israel is a rotten, dried tree that will be annihilated in one storm."
So let us take stock of what we have.
Iran under an Anti-Semitic President.
Iran increasing its nuclear stockpile of Uranium, enough that early next year it could have enough to enrich and construct a nuclear device.
Iran threatening the nation of Israel.
So let us go back through the pages of history and investigate. How likely is a muslim state to use weapons like this on a nation like Israel?
June 5 1967 - June 10th 1967: The 6 Day War wherein Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt simultaneously acted to attack Jerusalem interests and blockade their access to resources such as the Red Sea.
Sept. 5-6 1972: The Munich Massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Summer Olympic Games 1972.
Oct. 6-26 1973: The Yom Kippur war wherein Egypt and Syria launched a simultaneous attack on Israel.
1991: During the Gulf War, Iraq fires 39 Scud missiles into Israel, a neutral nation which had no presence in Iraq.
It occurs to me that in the history of Israeli/Arab relations, that Arabs... don't like Israel. Yet it also occurs to me that of all the nations in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel are the three most pro-Western countries there, with Saudi Arabia's reputation being tarnished by repeated human rights violations including amputations, floggings, and other punishments. And please, let us not forget the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979-1981.
All of these events perpetrated by Arab, largely muslim nations against non-muslim states make me wonder what President-elect Obama is really saying here versus here. Is Iran a threat? Or isn't it? Is it a threat to the United States? Probably not with a conventional nuclear attack. But since when have Islamic terrorists (that Mr. Obama has recognized time and again are supported by Iran), used conventional means? The last major terror attacks that the world has seen have been surprise attacks carried out by civilians. These attacks of course include the 9/11 /01 attacks on America, the 10/12/02 Bali nightclub bombing, the 3/11/04 Madrid train bombings, the 7/7/05 London bombings, not to mention the innumerable bombings made by Palestinian and other Arabic nationals on Israeli soil.
Will Iran launch a nuclear warhead that will wipe Washington D.C. off the face of the map? Not likely at all. Would some of Iran's nuclear material 'happen' to fall into the laps of an extremist group that could create a smaller nuclear device that could be transported somewhere populous? It's definitely within the realm of possibility.
In history, we have seen racial extremists such as Mehmed V, Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, and Milosevic attempt to eradicate people. Mehmed V for eradication of Armenians from 1915 to 1918. Hitler for his massacre of Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, Gays, and any other dissenters in the Holocaust (Which Iran denies ever happening), Stalin in his attempts to purge Ukranians in the Holodomor from the Soviet Union, Hussein in his 1988 Anfal campaign, and Milosevic in his roles for inciting ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, Bosnia, and Croatia.
We now have an Iranian president with missiles that can reach Israel, who continues to increase his nuclear stockpile. Tell me please, when we attempted diplomacy with Hitler (which failed), Stalin (which failed), and other leaders like Hussein (which failed), and Milosevic (which failed), WHY would we even think that diplomacy is going to work now with President Ahmadinejad?
This is a man who received his degree in Political Science from Columbia University in 1983, with a focus on international relations! Has he forgotten the history of the 20th century genocide attempts? For the sake of the lives of innocent people everywhere, I sincerely hope and pray that President Elect Barack Obama will realize that in terms of Iran? Diplomacy and negotiation are truly not options. The history of negotiating with dictators and extremists is clear. It does not work. The history of genocidal maniacs is clear. They do not listen to reason and humanitarianism. The history of the Arab world is fairly clear. They despise the West. Reasons being what they may be, the situation at hand is the one to deal with. Iran is not going to stop its nuclear buildup. Iran funds and supports terrorism. Iran wants to destroy or see destroyed, pro-Western Israel and any nation that recognizes it. I do not honestly know how things could be any clearer than that.
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